• Services

    We offer the most comprehensive home inspection service available.

    We start at the roof and evaluate not only the roof surface, but also the chimney, the ventilation system, the electrical service entrance, the plumbing stack, and any other systems or components located on the roof.

    Our next step is to inspect the exterior of the home. We use a macro and micro approach to look at both the big picture and all the details.

    We then move inside the house, and starting at the bottom, work our way up through the home into the attic. While inside, we address such things as the structure, the heating and cooling systems, the electrical and plumbing systems, the interior finishes, the insulation and ventilation, and accessories such as fireplaces.

    Our evaluation is then communicated through a detailed inspection report, which includes descriptions of all the systems in the home, as well as any recommended improvements. This will help you prioritize the improvements and develop a blueprint for your future in the home.

    Best of all, our services don’t end with the inspection. For as long as you own the home, you can call with any additional questions — at no extra charge!

  • Move-In Certified Seller's Inspection

    Are you selling your home? Let Foresight Home Inspections Inspect it before you even list it. A Move-In Certified Seller's Inspection aerts you to any defects or problems with your home so that you can address them before prospective buyers discover them. You can then take the time you need to obtain reasonable repairsestimates. Avoid 11th - hour negotiations and delays, and justify your full asking price bu having your home for sale inspected now.

  • Annual Home Maintenance Inspection

    This inspection can help you understand and plan for the demands of maintaining your home properly. Some task are seasonal, and some items require more frequent attention. Let me help you start on the path of responsible homeownership by identifying any issues, and educating you about what should be done to keep your home in top condition year-round.


    Water Quality Testing - Roof Inspections

    Investment Property Inspections - Rental Property Inspections

  • Contact Us

    Call us today at 803-707-7319 Or book your inspection online:

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  • Joe Theismann for InterNACHI's Buy Back Guarantee

  • Your New Home: Kick the Bricks!

    As a professional house and building inspection company, one of our primary jobs is answering questions. One of the most common questions we get is "Should I have my brand new house inspected?" It's a fair and honest question. The short answer is YES. But you expected us to say that, right? Let me tell you why it's a fair and honest answer.

    Risk Reduction

    Let's take the emotion out of it. Let's not call it your home; let's say it's a house. A building with a roof, a structure, mechanical systems, and interior finishes. It requires a substantial investment for you to purchase this building. You are putting your money at risk. It makes sense for you to learn about the qualities of this investment before putting your money on the line.

    "But what could be wrong? It's a new house?" Yes, the risk of problems is probably lower than if you bought an old building. It actually depends on the individual properties one is comparing. It boils down to illuminating the risk, rather than assuming there is none.

    House vs. Home

    But it is artificial to take emotion out of it, precisely because the building will be your home. So you have a financial and an emotional investment. Why is this important? Because even a small problem, like for example a leak at the kitchen sink, will elicit in you an emotional response. What happens when you notice the leak? You get an adrenaline rush, you turn off the tap or the dishwasher, you wipe up the water, you remove the soaking box of dishwasher detergent, you wonder what you should do next, you call someone you trust, you call the builder or a plumber, you wait to make dinner until the service-person arrives. A non-trivial emotional investment, for a minor problem.

    For some people, that minor incident will bring on a not-so-minor bout of buyer's remorse, wherein they wonder, "What else will go wrong?" It is better for both you and your builder for the inspector to find the leak so it can be fixed immediately.

    Helps the Builder

    Your builder has worked hard to put your home together. It takes a phenomenal amount of coordination to turn an empty patch of ground into a dream house. With so many steps and so many hands, it is inevitable that some things will get missed. Sometimes we find electrical outlets that don't work. Sometimes we find un-insulated attics. These were not done on purpose, they just happen. If you hire an inspector to find the things that need attention, you can put the items on the PDI punch-list (the list of deficiencies generated at the pre-delivery inspection that the builder is contracted to fix), or you will have documentation of the issues and can bring them up later. This helps both you and the builder keep track of the final wrinkles to be ironed out. If there are only a few wrinkles, you will gain an appreciation of how well the house has been built.

    11-month Inspection

    Many of our clients choose to hire us after they move in, but before the standard one-year builder's warranty coverage expires. This has proven to be a uniquely successful strategy. The waiting period allows the newly built house to "settle-in", making a performance-based inspection more valuable.

    No matter how you look at it, getting a professional building inspector to kick the bricks of your new home is a sound idea.

    As seen in HOMES Magazine June/July/August 2003. Gerard Gransaull, P. Eng., Engineering Manager, Carson Dunlop and Associates Ltd., Consulting Engineers - Building Inspections, www.carsondunlop.com

    Line drawings are from the Carson Dunlop Home Inspection Training Program and Home Inspection Software Tool – Horizon